I get by with a little help from my friends

By Nellie Curtiss ….

Amid the wind and snow last month, I couldn’t open my house fuse box that is parked off the back deck. The North rail of the deck was built too close to the fuse box cabinet; so much so, I couldn’t open it to check the electrical fuses.

My neighbor Greg Sanchez often tells me, “Let me know if you need anything, Nellie.” So, I did. I saw him chipping wood by his backyard hangout and called to him.  Over the fence, I asked him, “Greg, do you have a saw? Could you shave off an inch off this rail so I can open this electrical box?”

He said, “I’m happy to help and I could tap down any loose nails, too.”

Sure enough, when I woke and inspected, the ledge of the rail had receded an inch. I exclaimed, “Yes!”

Greg and his wife Shana have a full house with teens and preteens. Like so many of us, he’s taken on extra projects to help with the family budget. Besides grilling and cooking, one of his talents is manicuring yards, too.

A most kindhearted neighbor, he has wrangled my yard when the grass and weeds were three feet high and some. Today, he’s announcing his new yard venture and clients are lining up for him to mow their lawns, clean out flower beds, transplant flowers from one bed to another, and haul away yard junk.

I’m so grateful for his help with so many tasks. Last Saturday while I caught my breath (because my diaphragm is compromised) he already noticed the trunk was open. When I looked up from a nebulizer treatment, he had the groceries in hand and placed them on the couch. Another time, he took an old easy chair worn and not operational to the dump. I remember one time he helped me find my driver’s license when it fell under my car seat. Even with a metal Reacher, the card was inaccessible. But Greg found it and cleaned out my floorboard, too.

On Wednesday, he grabbed a post digger and dug a hole for the rhubarb plant purchased from North River Road Greenhouse in Alamosa. He was careful when he loosened the roots before he lowered it into the prepared hole.

So when yard work is ganging up on you, call Greg like I do. Besides, he enjoys being outside and helping others. Reach him at 719-490-9010.

— Nellie Curtiss is a retired college educator and long-time local columnist. Reach her at columnsbynellie.com or email her at columnsbynellie@gmail.com

–cutline: Greg Sanchez loosens the roots before he lowers the rhubarb plant into the prepared hole. When yard work is ganging up on you, call Greg (719-490-9010).

Published by columnsbynellie

I am a retired Professor of English/Literature who enjoys writing, sculpting, painting, politics, journalism, women's literature, humanities, and rescuing animals.

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