The grabber as another character in The Whale

By Nellie Curtiss…. Last week’s column looked at the movie The Whale (2022) starring Brenden Fraser. There’s another character in that Academy award winning story in its own right, that aluminum pickup artist. The Reacher-Grabber-Pickup Tool as advertised on television and in AARP magazine, is a stand-up comedian—I mean, a standby-until–you-need-it sort of friend. Charlie,Continue reading “The grabber as another character in The Whale”

Thank you and see you later!

By Nellie Curtiss . . . . It’s no secret that I’ve been navigating some health issues. What the reader’s radar may not know is that my spinal issues began over 40 years ago. The attack injured my cervical neck. That’s similar, but not exactly like that which Superman, i.e., Christopher Reeve suffered when heContinue reading “Thank you and see you later!”

Good things can come to all of us

By Nellie Curtiss Yes, dads and moms have long said to their children, “Good things come to those who wait.” Before winter, neighbors made short work of weeds and grass in my yard. Like everyone else lately, inflation high cost of utilities, rents, groceries have forced many to take on second and third jobs toContinue reading “Good things can come to all of us”

Is counseling useless?

by Nellie Curtiss . . . The other day someone asked me, “Is counseling useless? Does it help?” Counseling used to be known as psychoanalysis (in those 50s and 60s movies where the uptown girl would see her analyst); and now personal therapy includes appointments, group therapy, and groups addressing specific court requirements like violentContinue reading “Is counseling useless?”

Some moms engineer, some moms mend

 By Nellie Curtiss … [I dedicate this column to all the special moms in my life named and unnamed: Tricia, Betty, Karli, Sal, Andrea, Dana, Laura, Jackie, Lori, Barb, Shana, Gayla, Edna, and Dot] Some mothers are born the eldest and some the youngest.  Some moms serve dipped cones at Dairy Queen or Impossible BurgersContinue reading “Some moms engineer, some moms mend”

The Umbrella that wanted to fly

by Nellie Curtiss… Once there was an umbrella that wanted to fly. She started out as only a wee thought that began with a song sung by John Prine called The Blue Umbrella.  Her sail and stalk with a crank system were designed in Germany. The total outfit was meant to withstand any force theContinue reading “The Umbrella that wanted to fly”