
Columns by Nellie

Need a home remedy?–Comical pets can fix what bothers ya!

By Nellie Curtiss …. Everybody needs some comedy sometime. And my home has its share!  I used to house a cockatiel named Pretty Bird whose personality was LOUD.  He was my alarm clock when the sun rose over the Sangres.  All day, he’d watch neighborhood birds flirt outside the window; sometimes he tickled his beak…

Moms remind us to be better humans.

by Nellie Curtiss …. Mother’s day is tomorrow. USA Today recently shared some quotes about Moms this Mother’s Day: Lady Gaga said: “Acceptance, tolerance, bravery, compassion. These are the things my mom taught me.” As I write this week’s column, I’m remembering my mama who once told me that she accepted every little kitten that…

In the Dodge Raider with Aunt Nono

By Nellie Curtiss …. When I was five, I couldn’t pronounce Aunt Leona’s name; so, I called her Aunt Nono. At the age of 80, my aunt developed Alzheimer’s which had become evident by memory loss. She couldn’t follow simple directions either and would spend twenty to thirty minutes rummaging through her purse for some…

I get by with a little help from my friends

By Nellie Curtiss …. Amid the wind and snow last month, I couldn’t open my house fuse box that is parked off the back deck. The North rail of the deck was built too close to the fuse box cabinet; so much so, I couldn’t open it to check the electrical fuses. My neighbor Greg…

Dr. Still turns walking from torture to treat

by Nellie Curtiss …. I met the new podiatrist at the Professional Office (behind Subway in Alamosa) recently. When I called for an appointment, the receptionist said, “The new foot doctor’s name is Steel.” I didn’t think I heard correctly, “What is his name?” “Steel,” she said again. A couple weeks later I came in…

Big Bad Trucks, do they own the whole highway?

By Nellie Curtiss …. I want to yell out the window – “Move it or lose it!” Of course that won’t be much like a proper grammarian; but maybe that doesn’t apply to me since I am retired. The huge Ford Pickup blocks my view as I try to back out of the parking space. …

Learning is more memorable with laughter

by Nellie Curtiss …. My sister and I used to sit on top of the bedspread and challenge each other to a no-giggle game.  One of us would start with a slow VW Bug sort of giggle engine, not too noticeable, not too loud.  Then we’d move the snicker to second gear, and then third…

How to meet ADA Service Animal requirements

By Nellie Curtiss …. Friends, colleagues, medical staff, and strangers sometimes stop me with my service animal/dog and ask how one trains and gets a service animal certified. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), no certification is required from the government. The main requirement is that the animal must be under control and…

Naming Cats

by Nellie Curtiss …. When Mama cat had the seven-count litter in my backyard, I began searching for names for all of them. I based their names on Winnie the Pooh characters. The first was Tigger and his sister Pooh. These two cats lounged in the sun next to the waist high bushes that hid…

Kaleidoscope of crazy cats

by Nellie Curtiss …. Whiney Winnie, with a head too small for his body, was last seen January 19 after temperatures plunged to below zero. The gauge read 7 degrees at 5 a.m. At six years old Whiney Winnie, one of four orangish semi-feral cats feeding on my back deck, still chased me from room…


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