Hobbies during a bad hair day

By Nellie Curtiss …  Not much is happening these days.  Those stay-at-homers, who have interests or hobbies to engage them during these quiet but indoor times, are the most contented.  Overall, watching tv is probably the go to not-an-activity release during these covid19 times.  It’s so easy to push the button and voila, there’s aContinue reading “Hobbies during a bad hair day”

Online learning is important during pandemic

By Nellie Curtiss … Online learning is a good place to be during this Covid19 pandemic. I understand families are in disarray with school days when children are confined to the kitchen tables or student desks in the bedrooms. However, facing down a quarter million deaths throughout out our country is nothing to cough atContinue reading “Online learning is important during pandemic”

Accepting the 2020 election and protecting our Country

By Nellie Curtiss … Thursday night, Michael Moore, academy award winning filmmaker, said on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert that President Elect Joe Biden will bring much needed change including inclusion and fairness and will not hold grudges. It’s pretty clear to me that he will also bring stability, calm, unification and thank God,Continue reading “Accepting the 2020 election and protecting our Country”

Battle royal for the soul of your skin

By Nellie Curtiss … Believe it or not, the soul of your skin is affected by the changes in environments including this year’s political norms. In an article on Oprah.com, the daily damage done to skin is looked at. (The article doesn’t address this year’s politics, but I apply it to the political hot bedContinue reading “Battle royal for the soul of your skin”

Move adults, not children.

 By Nellie Curtiss…. From my own experience, I’m saying, stop forcing families where domestic violence reigns to share or split custody of the children. Other mothers have shared the sentiment with me, as well.  Something is wrong with our system that uproots babies, toddlers, elementary, middle school age and teenagers to spend every other weekendContinue reading “Move adults, not children.”

Look who’s watching TV

By Nellie Curtiss … Originally published January 19, 2001 – the Valley Courier Aloha, my black cocker spaniel, watches TV every night with me. Exhausted from collaborative teaching and newspaper building, I greet two rambunctious critters. Actually three if I count, I should count, my cockatiel now 8 years old. Situating myself with a frothyContinue reading “Look who’s watching TV”