That vulture-like eye’s message from beyond

by Nellie Curtiss …. It’s one of those serendipitous moments or one of those “down from the mountain with the tablets” moments, one of those “don’t fool with mother nature” moments or even one of those “I was sleeping out in the desert for 40 winks” moments. A few years back, considering the caustic painContinue reading “That vulture-like eye’s message from beyond”

A Walk with Martin Luther King, Jr.

By Nellie Curtiss … I was in 6th grade when I first heard of Martin Luther King, Jr.  As a dependent (brat) at Craig AFB in Selma, Alabama, I wondered what the movement was all about. Signs calling King a communist were plastered all over Selma, Al.  My parents were not as informed as IContinue reading “A Walk with Martin Luther King, Jr.”

National Corn Chip Day is Monday Jan 29!

By Nellie Curtiss …. It comes Monday January 29: National CORN CHIP Day started because of a small crunchy snack. The original ORIGINAL “beach snack” was created from frying masa (as you know, Masa is dough from ground corn) into a funky chip.  In 1932 (during the Great Depression) C.E. Doolin, a tinkerer, invented theContinue reading “National Corn Chip Day is Monday Jan 29!”

January, the break-up, and put-back month

By Nellie Curtiss …. The white light streams through the blue planet’s atmosphere on a mission to melt the snow packed and icy trails around here, and with the help of hardy house finches and speckled sparrows, my mind travels back to a walk in the woods outside the Turpin Road condo in Anchorage. ThereContinue reading “January, the break-up, and put-back month”

Loose tomatoes and other dog finds

By Nellie Curtiss …. Historically, all my dogs have been fed healthy dog chow.  Ask any of them.  When my back turned, or when I napped, they rooted out the best prizes. A decade ago, and dog-tired, I came home from shopping then fell into a nap.  I noticed that my spaniels didn’t climb intoContinue reading “Loose tomatoes and other dog finds”

Robin Williams’ suicide opens discussions

by Nellie Curtiss …. The super moon of August 2014 held its breath when Denver’s 9News KUSA anchors interrupted. “Breaking news, Robin Williams was found dead at age 63. There is some indication he took his own life.”  Not long ago CBS and ABC reported the unexpected death of Matthew Perry in his Jacuzzi fromContinue reading “Robin Williams’ suicide opens discussions”

The grabber as another character in The Whale

By Nellie Curtiss…. Last week’s column looked at the movie The Whale (2022) starring Brenden Fraser. There’s another character in that Academy award winning story in its own right, that aluminum pickup artist. The Reacher-Grabber-Pickup Tool as advertised on television and in AARP magazine, is a stand-up comedian—I mean, a standby-until–you-need-it sort of friend. Charlie,Continue reading “The grabber as another character in The Whale”

Good things can come to all of us

By Nellie Curtiss Yes, dads and moms have long said to their children, “Good things come to those who wait.” Before winter, neighbors made short work of weeds and grass in my yard. Like everyone else lately, inflation high cost of utilities, rents, groceries have forced many to take on second and third jobs toContinue reading “Good things can come to all of us”