Some moms engineer, some moms mend

 By Nellie Curtiss … [I dedicate this column to all the special moms in my life named and unnamed: Tricia, Betty, Karli, Sal, Andrea, Dana, Laura, Jackie, Lori, Barb, Shana, Gayla, Edna, and Dot] Some mothers are born the eldest and some the youngest.  Some moms serve dipped cones at Dairy Queen or Impossible BurgersContinue reading “Some moms engineer, some moms mend”

I’m not done with you yet!

by Nellie Curtiss … [This week’s post is a series of short-short stories pulled from my 1989 book entitled Mad Hags and Rags.] Lady, I’m not done with you yet! Don’t, don’t! Here’s a hammer I found under the sink. I’ll bash your brains in! THUD. THUD. CLANK. Don’t. I’m not done with you yet!Continue reading “I’m not done with you yet!”

Is it a poem, a Twitter rant, or a Facebook Post?

by Nellie Curtiss … Have you written a poem lately?  Did you know that April is National Poetry Month? Poetry does not always have to rhyme or use punctuation like a grammarian, nor does it have to have a specific cadence (beat), nor does it have to use onomatopoeia (sounds that imitate the word itself). Continue reading “Is it a poem, a Twitter rant, or a Facebook Post?”

That Sunday drive with Aunt Nono

By Nellie Curtiss … At my cousin Edna’s 80 acres, my aunt, my black cocker spaniel, and I loaded into my red 1989 Dodge Raider—a gift to myself the year I graduated with my master’s—for a Sunday ride in 2001. Just outside of Manassa, passed the waterless bridges of steel, Aunt Leona measured the hillContinue reading “That Sunday drive with Aunt Nono”

Spotted out the window

By Nellie Curtiss … A new family has landed in the Valley. I spotted them out the window –while pushing onward, in a 40 miles per gallon Chevy. I was flying down the highway on a mission to find some broccoli and sunflower seeds when my eyes caught their movements. Two regal parents are watchingContinue reading “Spotted out the window”

Is it slothfulness or fibromyalgia?

By Nellie Curtiss … Sometimes the hair follicles “Eek!” with soreness and running fingers through hair fires pain from scalp to hair tip. Showering is like standing naked while fine sand or BB pellets spray. Pulling socks up from ankles pitches muscle aches into the mix, too.  Dressing is grueling as every metal harbinger thatContinue reading “Is it slothfulness or fibromyalgia?”

Counting smiles along the way

By Nellie Curtiss … (for my son) So many years and counting smiles along the way bring a wreath of memories and snares. Each of us, your soul included, navigate man-made hurdles out of the city, the Texas Gulf or Colorado valleys, then hidden traps lay wait for even a tippy toe test of metalContinue reading “Counting smiles along the way”

Once upon a time on Thanksgiving a few years back

By Nellie Curtiss … It was Thanksgiving, the day before Thanksgiving that is, a few years back. TV Commercial spots ran and reran the upcoming Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade, Verizon’s give-a-way phones and Samsung Black Friday deals at Target. Dry atmosphere meant no snow had fallen on the dusty half road near the farmer’s Alfalfa field. Continue reading “Once upon a time on Thanksgiving a few years back”