Need a home remedy?–Comical pets can fix what bothers ya!

By Nellie Curtiss …. Everybody needs some comedy sometime. And my home has its share!  I used to house a cockatiel named Pretty Bird whose personality was LOUD.  He was my alarm clock when the sun rose over the Sangres.  All day, he’d watch neighborhood birds flirt outside the window; sometimes he tickled his beakContinue reading “Need a home remedy?–Comical pets can fix what bothers ya!”

How to meet ADA Service Animal requirements

By Nellie Curtiss …. Friends, colleagues, medical staff, and strangers sometimes stop me with my service animal/dog and ask how one trains and gets a service animal certified. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), no certification is required from the government. The main requirement is that the animal must be under control andContinue reading “How to meet ADA Service Animal requirements”