Kaleidoscope of crazy cats

by Nellie Curtiss …. Whiney Winnie, with a head too small for his body, was last seen January 19 after temperatures plunged to below zero. The gauge read 7 degrees at 5 a.m. At six years old Whiney Winnie, one of four orangish semi-feral cats feeding on my back deck, still chased me from roomContinue reading “Kaleidoscope of crazy cats”

Coffee and conversation, a love affair

By Nellie Curtiss … Like you, I enjoy a medium roast breakfast coffee brewed in my trusty but aging Keurig. As an early whippersnapper, I tasted my mother’s dark coffee and immediately spit it out. “Yuk!”  Preferring Nestle’s Quick chocolate milk, I liked tea all right. That is, loaded with ice and sugar.  Southerners madeContinue reading Coffee and conversation, a love affair

Sometimes you have to turn it off

by Nellie Curtiss … My oversized mobile kept making mistakes when I tweeted or posted on Twitter and Facebook. Forget Instagram or TikTok. An “A” became “S” and the overseer Siri couldn’t respond to my pleas, “Siri, where is my phone?” “Siri, reboot my phone.” If the technology quit loading, I had to turn itContinue reading “Sometimes you have to turn it off”