Kaleidoscope of crazy cats

by Nellie Curtiss …. Whiney Winnie, with a head too small for his body, was last seen January 19 after temperatures plunged to below zero. The gauge read 7 degrees at 5 a.m. At six years old Whiney Winnie, one of four orangish semi-feral cats feeding on my back deck, still chased me from roomContinue reading “Kaleidoscope of crazy cats”

Midnight snacks, scaredy-cats, and racoon burglars

By Nellie Curtiss . . . We live in Racoon Real Estate. With Spring almost here, I woke in the middle of the night and shuffled my way to the back of the cottage where the bathroom was.  As I always do, I checked which “kitty” was on the deck. Adjusting the curtained backdoor window,Continue reading “Midnight snacks, scaredy-cats, and racoon burglars”