Dr. Still turns walking from torture to treat

by Nellie Curtiss …. I met the new podiatrist at the Professional Office (behind Subway in Alamosa) recently. When I called for an appointment, the receptionist said, “The new foot doctor’s name is Steel.” I didn’t think I heard correctly, “What is his name?” “Steel,” she said again. A couple weeks later I came inContinue reading “Dr. Still turns walking from torture to treat”

That vulture-like eye’s message from beyond

by Nellie Curtiss …. It’s one of those serendipitous moments or one of those “down from the mountain with the tablets” moments, one of those “don’t fool with mother nature” moments or even one of those “I was sleeping out in the desert for 40 winks” moments. A few years back, considering the caustic painContinue reading “That vulture-like eye’s message from beyond”

“We are here to take care of you”

By Nellie Curtiss … As the anesthetist Eric wheeled me through the secret passage of operating rooms and over to Radiology’s high powered magnet room, I thought, I am thankful for good care. Just minutes earlier, Colleen, the outpatient surgery RN, asked me sundry questions about my medicines and allergies. She double checked the recordsContinue reading ““We are here to take care of you””