I get by with a little help from my friends

By Nellie Curtiss …. Amid the wind and snow last month, I couldn’t open my house fuse box that is parked off the back deck. The North rail of the deck was built too close to the fuse box cabinet; so much so, I couldn’t open it to check the electrical fuses. My neighbor GregContinue reading “I get by with a little help from my friends”

Of Christmas past from Rio Grande to Pleiku, Vietnam

By Nellie Curtiss … Christmas Eve 1967 in small town Texas, where water was a big deal, was markedly cold as temperature dropped to 36 degrees on the weather gauge. It was bittersweet though because the children’s stepdaddy stationed at Pleiku AFB, a US Air Force base in South Vietnam couldn’t get leave to comeContinue reading “Of Christmas past from Rio Grande to Pleiku, Vietnam”

Songs of joy and a Sangre de Cristo Christmas

By Nellie Curtiss … I turned on AMC and I heard songs like the Griswolds singing “Deck the Halls” in the station wagon before they were nearly run over by that semi-truck.  The parents were hardly able to get their kiddos to sing along and thus play along with the family quality time. Later, CBSContinue reading “Songs of joy and a Sangre de Cristo Christmas”

ROOMBA on a mission at 230 in the afternoon

by Nellie Curtiss … It was 2:30 in the afternoon when the gunmetal colored ROOMBA left its station and embarked on its mission. There were no notes left behind; no clues as to it’s trek that day.  The twin teens were not yet home from Grant Middle School where they ran for the track team.Continue reading ROOMBA on a mission at 230 in the afternoon

Like a tree in a storm

By Nellie Curtiss … Laura said, “As a tree, let that big messy storm cruise all the way through and over those branches and leaves.” It was true.  Even the movie Avatar, seemed to show that calm in the airborne jungle that floated on clouds built a canopy of love withstanding onslaughts of calculations againstContinue reading “Like a tree in a storm”

Wanted: A world awash in kindness

By Nellie Curtiss … If you could design the world, what kind of world would it be? Having had a shotgun held on me once while I fed my baby, I would want a world where violence was replaced with moms and dads who set a holiday table and build dinners with peas, potatoes, carrots,Continue reading “Wanted: A world awash in kindness”

On becoming human beings

By Nellie Curtiss…. “Be patient with me, God is not done with me yet,” reads a rustic barn-wood sign in a shop where towners look for country doodads. We could imagine that law enforcement in Minnesota might also be claiming this as their mantra after the George Floyd murder by defiant former officer Chauvin. TheyContinue reading “On becoming human beings”

Random acts of kindness inspire

By Nellie Curtiss … Sometimes its Random Acts of Kindness that fuel our lives. Take for instance how a family I know hired Renee Martinez (719-480-4273) a housekeeper, to help their sister, an artist with arthritis, deep clean and organize her small house. As I understand, Renee cleaned floors, dusted shelves, mopped floors, wiped kitchenContinue reading “Random acts of kindness inspire”