Kaleidoscope of crazy cats

by Nellie Curtiss …. Whiney Winnie, with a head too small for his body, was last seen January 19 after temperatures plunged to below zero. The gauge read 7 degrees at 5 a.m. At six years old Whiney Winnie, one of four orangish semi-feral cats feeding on my back deck, still chased me from roomContinue reading “Kaleidoscope of crazy cats”

Smiles are the best for customers to feel at home

By Nellie Curtiss …. One of the best smiles this week was on Thursday. My dog Schroeder was styled at All Four Paws Grooming which is a stone’s throw away from the Valley Courier.  Andie fetched him even before I parked. She clicked his leash on and let me know when to return for him.Continue reading “Smiles are the best for customers to feel at home”

Thank you and see you later!

By Nellie Curtiss . . . . It’s no secret that I’ve been navigating some health issues. What the reader’s radar may not know is that my spinal issues began over 40 years ago. The attack injured my cervical neck. That’s similar, but not exactly like that which Superman, i.e., Christopher Reeve suffered when heContinue reading “Thank you and see you later!”

Good things can come to all of us

By Nellie Curtiss Yes, dads and moms have long said to their children, “Good things come to those who wait.” Before winter, neighbors made short work of weeds and grass in my yard. Like everyone else lately, inflation high cost of utilities, rents, groceries have forced many to take on second and third jobs toContinue reading “Good things can come to all of us”

Is counseling useless?

by Nellie Curtiss . . . The other day someone asked me, “Is counseling useless? Does it help?” Counseling used to be known as psychoanalysis (in those 50s and 60s movies where the uptown girl would see her analyst); and now personal therapy includes appointments, group therapy, and groups addressing specific court requirements like violentContinue reading “Is counseling useless?”

The Umbrella that wanted to fly

by Nellie Curtiss… Once there was an umbrella that wanted to fly. She started out as only a wee thought that began with a song sung by John Prine called The Blue Umbrella.  Her sail and stalk with a crank system were designed in Germany. The total outfit was meant to withstand any force theContinue reading “The Umbrella that wanted to fly”

Once my Smart fortwo was stuck on an ice shelf

by Nellie Curtiss … That night was one of those long snowy nights. I parallel parked outside my son’s apartment just where the deer make a nightly trek to the cottonwoods along the Rio Grande in Alamosa.  My service dog Schroeder and I moseyed up the broken concrete walk avoiding iced over snow.  Seated onContinue reading “Once my Smart fortwo was stuck on an ice shelf”

That Sunday drive with Aunt Nono

By Nellie Curtiss … At my cousin Edna’s 80 acres, my aunt, my black cocker spaniel, and I loaded into my red 1989 Dodge Raider—a gift to myself the year I graduated with my master’s—for a Sunday ride in 2001. Just outside of Manassa, passed the waterless bridges of steel, Aunt Leona measured the hillContinue reading “That Sunday drive with Aunt Nono”

Cats offer heartfelt acts and random purrs

By Nellie Curtiss … February is Black History Month; and it is American Heart Month, too.  Of course, we all know February for Valentine and President’s Day.  The edgy TV commercials keep us informed of those events. Plus, pre-Superbowl ads keep us planted indoors in anticipation of the game. But for me, February is aContinue reading “Cats offer heartfelt acts and random purrs”