Moms remind us to be better humans.

by Nellie Curtiss …. Mother’s day is tomorrow. USA Today recently shared some quotes about Moms this Mother’s Day: Lady Gaga said: “Acceptance, tolerance, bravery, compassion. These are the things my mom taught me.” As I write this week’s column, I’m remembering my mama who once told me that she accepted every little kitten thatContinue reading “Moms remind us to be better humans.”

Why write? – To teach

By Nellie Curtiss … Sometimes looking at the blank screen elicits little ideas or none at all. Then sometimes watching Dr. Phil, my brain explodes with ideas and ways to share or reach others. Mostly, ideas for writing come to me when I flip open the laptop and type. I used to explain to studentsContinue reading “Why write? – To teach”