Moms remind us to be better humans.

by Nellie Curtiss …. Mother’s day is tomorrow. USA Today recently shared some quotes about Moms this Mother’s Day: Lady Gaga said: “Acceptance, tolerance, bravery, compassion. These are the things my mom taught me.” As I write this week’s column, I’m remembering my mama who once told me that she accepted every little kitten thatContinue reading “Moms remind us to be better humans.”

Like a tree in a storm

By Nellie Curtiss … Laura said, “As a tree, let that big messy storm cruise all the way through and over those branches and leaves.” It was true.  Even the movie Avatar, seemed to show that calm in the airborne jungle that floated on clouds built a canopy of love withstanding onslaughts of calculations againstContinue reading “Like a tree in a storm”