Need a home remedy?–Comical pets can fix what bothers ya!

By Nellie Curtiss …. Everybody needs some comedy sometime. And my home has its share!  I used to house a cockatiel named Pretty Bird whose personality was LOUD.  He was my alarm clock when the sun rose over the Sangres.  All day, he’d watch neighborhood birds flirt outside the window; sometimes he tickled his beakContinue reading “Need a home remedy?–Comical pets can fix what bothers ya!”

In the Dodge Raider with Aunt Nono

By Nellie Curtiss …. When I was five, I couldn’t pronounce Aunt Leona’s name; so, I called her Aunt Nono. At the age of 80, my aunt developed Alzheimer’s which had become evident by memory loss. She couldn’t follow simple directions either and would spend twenty to thirty minutes rummaging through her purse for someContinue reading “In the Dodge Raider with Aunt Nono”

How to meet ADA Service Animal requirements

By Nellie Curtiss …. Friends, colleagues, medical staff, and strangers sometimes stop me with my service animal/dog and ask how one trains and gets a service animal certified. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), no certification is required from the government. The main requirement is that the animal must be under control andContinue reading “How to meet ADA Service Animal requirements”

ROOMBA on a mission at 230 in the afternoon

by Nellie Curtiss … It was 2:30 in the afternoon when the gunmetal colored ROOMBA left its station and embarked on its mission. There were no notes left behind; no clues as to it’s trek that day.  The twin teens were not yet home from Grant Middle School where they ran for the track team.Continue reading ROOMBA on a mission at 230 in the afternoon

Sometimes you have to turn it off

by Nellie Curtiss … My oversized mobile kept making mistakes when I tweeted or posted on Twitter and Facebook. Forget Instagram or TikTok. An “A” became “S” and the overseer Siri couldn’t respond to my pleas, “Siri, where is my phone?” “Siri, reboot my phone.” If the technology quit loading, I had to turn itContinue reading “Sometimes you have to turn it off”

An invention of hugs, a hug-o-matic

By Nellie Curtiss … Recently a professorial friend said she was so starved for human touch, hugs and embraces that she invented a hug-o-matic.  She is looking for a product developer to put the life-saving medical device out there for everyone. The hug-o-matic has tall to short stature models in the device as big asContinue reading “An invention of hugs, a hug-o-matic”