Big Bad Trucks, do they own the whole highway?

By Nellie Curtiss …. I want to yell out the window – “Move it or lose it!” Of course that won’t be much like a proper grammarian; but maybe that doesn’t apply to me since I am retired. The huge Ford Pickup blocks my view as I try to back out of the parking space. Continue reading “Big Bad Trucks, do they own the whole highway?”

Sometimes you have to turn it off

by Nellie Curtiss … My oversized mobile kept making mistakes when I tweeted or posted on Twitter and Facebook. Forget Instagram or TikTok. An “A” became “S” and the overseer Siri couldn’t respond to my pleas, “Siri, where is my phone?” “Siri, reboot my phone.” If the technology quit loading, I had to turn itContinue reading “Sometimes you have to turn it off”