Need a home remedy?–Comical pets can fix what bothers ya!

By Nellie Curtiss …. Everybody needs some comedy sometime. And my home has its share!  I used to house a cockatiel named Pretty Bird whose personality was LOUD.  He was my alarm clock when the sun rose over the Sangres.  All day, he’d watch neighborhood birds flirt outside the window; sometimes he tickled his beakContinue reading “Need a home remedy?–Comical pets can fix what bothers ya!”

Big Bad Trucks, do they own the whole highway?

By Nellie Curtiss …. I want to yell out the window – “Move it or lose it!” Of course that won’t be much like a proper grammarian; but maybe that doesn’t apply to me since I am retired. The huge Ford Pickup blocks my view as I try to back out of the parking space. Continue reading “Big Bad Trucks, do they own the whole highway?”

January, the break-up, and put-back month

By Nellie Curtiss …. The white light streams through the blue planet’s atmosphere on a mission to melt the snow packed and icy trails around here, and with the help of hardy house finches and speckled sparrows, my mind travels back to a walk in the woods outside the Turpin Road condo in Anchorage. ThereContinue reading “January, the break-up, and put-back month”

Why write? – To teach

By Nellie Curtiss … Sometimes looking at the blank screen elicits little ideas or none at all. Then sometimes watching Dr. Phil, my brain explodes with ideas and ways to share or reach others. Mostly, ideas for writing come to me when I flip open the laptop and type. I used to explain to studentsContinue reading “Why write? – To teach”